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Did you hear? Clutch has named Moov Studio the best video production company in Armenia.


The sheer volume of videos flooding our feeds makes it clear: video marketing trends are more influential than ever.

Everyone dreams of going viral, but with so much content vying for attention, standing out is a real challenge.

With video content becoming a dominant force in our digital lives, brands need to be savvy to cut through the noise. Understanding the latest video marketing trends can make all the difference. Here's what you need to keep your eye on.

Video marketing trends are always changing, but what should you be eyeing next?


AI-powered tools are becoming increasingly important in video marketing. With the rise of generative AI, more brands are integrating artificial intelligence into their content strategy to create engaging and authentic content that captures the audience's attention.

This shift makes sense—AI tools allow digital marketers and content creators to quickly generate videos that align with their marketing goals and resonate with the right audience.

There has been a huge increase in the use of AI tools to produce short videos like YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels. These platforms demand content that is not only user-friendly but also highly engaging. Platforms like ChatGPT 4.0 are leading the charge, and interest in AI has surged, as reflected in Google Trends.

As AI evolves, it will continue to help create content that feels more personalized and relevant to users. This trend is expected to grow as more videos are shared across social media. At some point, AI might just become an essential part of any video marketing strategy.

Incorporating AI into your video marketing efforts is not just a passing fad. It's a key trend that makes the most sense for those looking to stay ahead in the digital space. As users understand the potential of AI-powered content, the demand for these tools will only grow. Marketers alike should keep an eye on this trend as they plan their next campaigns.


The next trend in video content is its incorporation into emails and newsletter campaigns. In fact, it is estimated that over 1.6 million newsletters on Substack and LinkedIn included video content in 2023. Video marketers are recognizing its potential to create a more engaging experience for their target audience.

Embedding short-form content directly into emails allows businesses to convey their brand story and message in just a few seconds, all while capturing the attention of busy internet users. This approach is becoming a go-to for video marketing experts aiming to boost engagement.

With more people accessing emails on mobile devices, using engaging content provides a seamless way to deliver their brand message.

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have shown how interactive videos can drive higher engagement, and now, this tactic is becoming a valuable marketing tool in email campaigns as well.

Video marketing experts agree that incorporating videos into newsletters not only enhances the overall content but also provides valuable insights into audience behavior. This marketing strategy allows creators to tailor their content more precisely.


Most video marketing trends are shifting towards simplicity. And if you're a content creator, you already know to prioritize shorter, more engaging marketing videos that communicate complex ideas in just a few minutes.

These videos have become the go-to platform for brands looking to introduce new products or services without overwhelming their audience.

Digital marketers are taking advantage of this video marketing trend to capture users' attention quickly. These platforms favor shorter content, which is why it's crucial to produce videos that deliver the brand message efficiently. Product demos and explainers are just what today’s audiences need—concise, informative, and easy to understand.


While longer videos still have their place, video trends are moving towards shorter, more focused content creation that aligns with new campaigns and the needs of modern users. As attention spans shrink and social media favors bite-sized content, video marketers are focusing more on quick and impactful messages.

Short-form videos, typically under 60 seconds, are becoming essential in video marketing strategies. This video marketing trend is only beginning to take over.

Video marketers are using short-form content on their audiences's preferred social media platform, where users are more likely to engage with and share videos that are concise and to the point. This change aligns with broader video marketing trends, where creating easy-to-digest content is key to staying relevant.

Interactive video features, like polls and clickable links, are being incorporated into short-form videos to boost engagement and create a more immersive experience. As a result, video content that is both engaging and brief is now at the forefront of video creation strategies.

If you're a digital marketer who is adapting to this trend, your brand will be better positioned to meet the evolving preferences of their audience.


In the past, YouTube was the primary video-sharing platform, while Instagram was predominantly used for pictures. However, the introduction of Instagram Reels has significantly shifted this dynamic. Instagram, once known for its photo-centric approach, now emphasizes video content, particularly short-form videos, to enhance user engagement and reach.

The algorithm on Instagram has evolved to prioritize video marketing. This reflects a broader trend where social media is focusing on video consumption. Naturally, video marketers are adapting their strategies to leverage Instagram’s new video features. Reels cater to the growing demand for interactive video content and align with current video marketing trends.

As a result, video content is no longer just an addition but a central component of social media strategies.


Consumers adore user-generated content (UGC), and for good reason. According to a HubSpot survey of over 500 marketers using social shopping features, 92% reported that UGC boosts brand awareness. HubSpot Blog research reinforces this and highlights that UGC offers impressive ROI, with 40% of marketers identifying it as a high-ROI format on social media.

UGC is particularly effective with Gen Z, TikTok’s largest demographic, who appreciates content that feels authentic and relatable. This trend aligns with current video marketing trends, where interactive video and short-form content are increasingly favored.

Brands get to use UGC to create videos that evoke genuine emotions and resonate with their audience, all without extensive resource investment.

The effectiveness of UGC lies in its ability to showcase real experiences and opinions, which is why it's a powerful tool for lead generation.


In 2017, 85% of Facebook videos were watched without sound—that should say a thing or two about this video marketing trend. Users now consume even more social video content silently.

With an average of 151 minutes spent daily on social platforms, including videos with and without sound, it's clear that a significant portion of video content is watched in silent environments. But still, 41% of videos may not be understandable without sound.

This is why video marketers are turning to captions, context, and other no-audio tactics to convey their messages. Audioless animations like GIFs have been masters of this approach, using captions and visual cues to communicate ideas without a single sound. Their growing popularity shows how effective silent content can be.

Instagram reels, for instance, are often viewed in quiet settings like offices or bedrooms. As this trend continues, your brand must ensure that your videos are equally engaging without audio. Tools and AI advancements now make it easier than ever to add accurate captions, even for those without video expertise.

Not to mention, subtitles and captions make videos accessible to those who are hearing impaired or watching in silent environments. At the same time, they boost viewer retention. Studies show that including subtitles can boost a video's view-through rate by 80%. What's more, captions make content easier to translate and adapt for new audiences.


Did you know that viewers retain a whopping 95% of a message delivered through video, compared to just 10% when reading text? This statistic shows the power of video in brand building and marketing.

For those aiming to optimize ROI, video marketing has long been a proven game-changer. Marketers who use video see revenue growth 49% faster than their non-video counterparts.

It’s no surprise that social video marketing is currently a hot topic. The key to success? Keeping your audience engaged. Whether it’s delivering fascinating insights, offering entertainment, or a blend of both, your videos need to captivate viewers from start to finish.

Social video excels in this area, generating 1,200% more shares than text and images combined. 81% of people say a branded video has persuaded them to make a purchase. With such impressive results, it’s clear why social video marketing is an essential trend.


Influencer marketing isn’t new—brands have been doing it for a while now. But what’s changing is how brands are incorporating influencers into short-form videos. This trend is making waves across social media, and it’s clear why. A short-form video is perfect for capturing attention quickly.

Recent statistics underscore the growing significance of this approach. A staggering 88% of companies using influencer marketing report it as effective, and 55% of those companies plan to increase their investment in 2024. This shows a switch towards more dynamic formats in video marketing, with short-form content leading the charge.

Short-form video influencer ads are rapidly becoming a go-to content strategy for brands looking to make a huge impact via interactive video. By aligning with influencers who match your brand’s voice and audience, you can tap into their loyal following and create compelling content that stands out.


Live shopping and shoppable videos have been game-changers in China for a while now, and this trend is catching fire in other regions too. TikTok Shop has been making waves in the U.S., and YouTube is now empowering creators and advertisers with shoppable video features. This means that this year is set to be a landmark year for integrating shopping directly into video content.

These videos are more than just clickable links. They bring your products and services right into the viewer’s hands. Whether you’re partnering with influencers to turn them into brand ambassadors or launching campaigns that guide audiences to custom landing pages, the possibilities are exciting.

The real magic of shoppable content lies in its ability to streamline the purchasing journey. Rather than merely adding links to your online store, these videos create a seamless transition from content to commerce. This not only enhances the viewer’s experience but also boosts your brand’s potential for conversion.

An interactive video takes this a step further. It allows users to explore your entire brand on their devices. As of now, convenience is key in video marketing. And, these videos offer a powerful way to captivate and convert your audience.


This year, brands have taken a deep dive into educational content—think how-to guides, DIY projects, and expert tips. HubSpot’s social media trends report reveals that 32% of marketers are already using this kind of content, with 57% of them seeing it as one of the most effective content types.

This video marketing trend makes perfect sense—educational videos provide real value and help audiences tackle everyday challenges.

Brands that prioritize educational videos in their marketing strategy enhance lead generation and build lasting brand loyalty.

Explainer videos play a crucial role here too. They’re perfect for targeting users at the decision-making stage, turning potential buyers into committed customers. When crafted thoughtfully, explainers address audience pain points and offer clear, actionable solutions—essentially positioning your brand as the story's hero.

Moov creates interactive video explainers that help businesses tell their story from an outsider’s perspective. The studio takes engaging storylines that address your audience’s problems and combines them with eye-catching visuals and a captivating narrative. The explainers are both auditory and visual experiences, so your message will stick with viewers long after they see it.

This approach is a win-win: brands get to engage with their audience by solving their problems, while viewers gain valuable knowledge and resources.


Augmented Reality (AR) is making big waves in video marketing trends by offering users an immersive, interactive product experience. With AR, brands can create virtual demonstrations that bring their products to life in previously unimaginable ways.

This technology makes product interactions more detailed. For example, brands that integrate AR into their video advertising are seeing impressive results. They’ve experienced up to three times the brand lift compared to traditional campaigns. This boost in brand recognition and engagement shows just how powerful AR can be when used creatively.

The potential returns on this investment are substantial, making it a trend worth exploring in upcoming years.


Personalized messaging stands out as a game-changer in video marketing trends. While email remains crucial, video messages that feel personal and direct can forge a deeper, more authentic connection with your audience.

Short-form video content gives you just a few seconds to make an impression, so you must connect quickly and meaningfully. Consumers respond best to brands that show the people behind them. This adds a personal touch that builds trust and rapport.

To make the most of this trend, brands should create interactive video messaging that feels genuine and direct. This means sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses, introducing team members, or offering tailored messages that speak directly to the viewer.

Combining personalized short-form video with A/B testing can further enhance your strategy, leading to optimized engagement and results.


When it comes to video marketing, vertical video creation is the way to go in 2024. While horizontal content is great for YouTube, short-form video thrives on vertical formats. Platforms like YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and TikTok favor vertical videos because they fill the screen perfectly on mobile devices.

Shooting videos horizontally and then cropping them for vertical use can lead to awkward framing and lower quality. To ensure your content looks its best, shoot vertically from the start. This approach not only makes your videos look natural but also maximizes their impact on social media.

Keep your videos full-screen and focused to stand out in a sea of short-form video content. This way, you’ll align with current video trends and optimize your content for the platforms where your audience is most engaged.


While already popular, live broadcasts will innovate further. It will offer even more engaging and participatory experiences for viewers. The rise of live virtual events will bring fresh, interactive opportunities that captivate and inform audiences in real time.

Platforms like Twitch have set the stage for this interactive video marketing trend. Twitch popularized the concept of live-stream donations. It transformed live broadcasts into interactive fundraisers and community-building events. Over the past five years, Google searches for Twitch have surged by 65%, which goes to show its growing influence and the increasing appetite for live streaming.

Expect brands to use live video for product launches, Q&A sessions, and virtual events that blend entertainment with immediacy.


1. Grab Attention Fast

The first few seconds of your video matter the most. Start with a strong hook—be it a provocative question or an eye-catching visual. If you’re showing a branded challenge or a funny clip, jump straight to the funniest moment.

For tutorials, tackle the problem right away. Skip the fluff and deliver your core message quickly to hook your audience.

2. Quick Cuts and Dynamic Editing Should Take Center Stage

Channel the energy of action films with fast transitions and dynamic scenes. For a short-form video, use brisk cuts and avoid long, static shots that can lose viewers' interest.

Add animations, text overlays, and visual effects to highlight key points and keep the energy high. Just make sure your interactive video isn’t too cluttered or overwhelming.

3. Prioritize Quality

Quality matters—focus on stable footage, good lighting, and crisp audio. Poor production can detract from your message and lose viewer engagement.

Invest in essential equipment like a good camera, lighting setup, and microphone so your content looks and sounds professional.

4. Customize for Each Platform

Tailor your content for different platforms. What works on YouTube might not fit IG Reels, and vice versa. Adjust your edits to suit each platform’s format.

For example, place subtitles higher on a reel to avoid overlap with other elements on TikTok. This helps maintain clarity and engagement across various social media channels.

5. Make Your CTA Crystal-Clear

An interactive video without a clear call-to-action (CTA) risks losing potential engagement. Be direct and specific about what you want viewers to do—whether it’s visiting your website, following your account, or making a purchase.

Use actionable phrases like “Buy now” or “Click the link in the bio.” Make sure that the CTA integrates smoothly into the video, whether through on-screen text, a visual cue, or a verbal prompt.


From interactive content to the rise of shoppable content, the trends we’re seeing today show the need for captivating, concise, and compelling video experiences. Short form video, with its ability to deliver impactful messages, is becoming the main format for capturing attention and driving action.

Adopting these trends will set your brand apart in a crowded marketplace. Whether you’re capitalizing on user-generated content or using augmented reality, staying ahead means adapting to new video marketing trends. The key is to focus on quality, relevance, and creativity. Your short-form video must resonate with your target audience and drive meaningful engagement.

If you're ready to make a move, get in touch with us for short-form explainers that elevate your brand’s story and captivate your audience. 

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